Saturday, 1 March 2014

Exciting news... new blog for QCI members and collectors to share

I've some exciting news to share this morning.
Even though this blog was "retired" several years ago it does continue to receive visits from all around the world with over 1400 page views this year so far.
Seems Quimper addicts just won't quit in the search for info about their favourite collectible.

I had thought that it would be simple to resurrect lovequimper formerly the Quimper International blog but that has proved to be a little more complicated than first thought.
Have you heard the Woody Allen saying
"If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans"?
Losing our followers or our place in the search engine listings was something else to avoid and so I devised Plan B.

There is now a new place for QCI members and faience collectors to get together, the QCI Members Blog
Check it out for details of the 2014 annual meeting to be held in Nice, France September 11-15, and extra info about others things to do in the area.
Don't forget to leave a comment to let us know you've visited the blog and if you feel inspired and would like add a blog post of your own simply email us and we'll get you started.
Click on this link to go to the QCI website and join the Club to share this amazing travel experience with like minded collectors.

Don't forget to add the link to your bookmarks bar so you'll always be able to find

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