Sunday, 21 August 2011

Phillipe Lalys Limited Edition Bombard

Musical instruments in faïence are part of the grand tradition of French faïence. Artist-faïencier Philippe Lalys, former artistic director of HB-Henriot, has created a fabulous bombard (a woodwind, member of the oboe family) in pottery, whose decor reflects Philippe's affinity for the decors of Alfred Beau!

Les instruments de musique en faïence font partie de la grande tradition de la faïence française. Artiste faïencier Philippe Lalys, ancien directeur artistique de HB-Henriot a créé une bombarde merveilleuse en faïence, dont le décor montre son affinité pour les oeuvres d'Alfred Beau !

This splendid instrument measures 31cm high (about 12-1/2") and is 8cm (a little more than 3") in diameter across the opening. It features korrigans on the inside and three different talabarders around the outside. The length of the bombard is decorated in a décor riche pattern, and Breton motifs are found around the top and the bottom. The bombard is being produced in a limited edition of 12 (approximately one-month delay production time), and the price is 750 euros.

Cet instrument fait 31cm hauteur et 8cm diamètre à l'ouverture en bas. Des korrigans se trouvent à l'intérieur et trois différents talabarders jouent autour du bas. La longueur de la bombarde est décorée avec des rinceaux, et les motifs bretons se trouvent autour. La bombarde sera réalisée en édition limitée de 12 (avec un délai autour d'un mois), et le prix est 750 euros.

NOTE: The bombard will be on display at the annual meeting of the Quimper Club in Quimper next month!
A NOTER : La bombarde sera exposée à l'Assemblée Générale du Quimper Club à Quimper le mois prochain !

Click here and here to see more about this wonderful artist currently producing superb faience items in Brittany.
Many thanks to Brittany Byways for supplying the this information.


  1. Maggie, this is truly a gorgeous piece. You know that Kathleen T. will be interested in this one. It belongs in her collection.

  2. I've always loved Quimper. Could never afford it so I love seeing yours. :)

  3. This is the first time I had heard the word "Quimper" so I was fascinated. My spell check hasn't heard of it either, I see. :-) Thanks so much for the visit.

    Take care and God bless.
